
By sitaamirasyarifah 💻



Week 01

  1. OS Main Site
    The website established by Mr. RMS is a valuable resource, particularly for mastering OS232. It offers a plethora of useful materials such as assignments, slides, tutorials, reports, links, and various other resources.

  2. Cara Kerja Data Recovery Software
    Very useful websites! Sometimes we accidentally delete/lose data. This website explains how the data recovery process works, various types of data loss, and ways to minimize the risk of data loss.

Week 02

  1. What Is a Checksum
    The website contains explanations of what checksum is and its benefits. There’s a lot to gain from this website, ranging from explanations of its usefulness, the level of importance of using this file, to the differences in algorithms for checksum.

  2. Symmetric vs Asymmetric Key Encription
    This website explains in simple terms the differences between two methods of key encryption. It’s interesting to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each method so that we can choose according to our needs.

  3. Encryption - Symmetric Encryption vs Asymmetric Encryption - Cryptography - Practical TLS
    The video provides an excellent overview of encryption, particularly symmetric and asymmetric encryption. The presenter uses simple language and helpful animations to explain the concepts, making it easy for beginners to understand.

  4. Public and Private Keys - Signatures & Key Exchanges - Cryptography - Practical TLS
    This video, from the same channel as the previous one, shares similarities in its approach. The presenter explains complex concepts, such as public and private keys for encryption and signatures, in an engaging and enjoyable manner. I found it fascinating to learn about the concept of hybrid encryption for sending bulk data, which combines the strengths of both symmetric and asymmetric encryption methods, as demonstrated by the speaker.

  5. Why Do We Need Cybersecurity
    Cyber crime has become a very hot issue lately. Ranging from individuals, governments, and even organizations, have a high risk of getting cyber crime. But what exactly cyber crime is? Why do we need security and protection on our system?

Week 03

  1. Allocation Methods Discusses the process of assigning files within a storage system, drawing insights from an operating system textbook to enhance comprehension of file allocation methods.

  2. Intro to Linux filesystems The provided link offers valuable insights into Linux filesystems, making it a beneficial resource to prepare for Week 03 assignments. By comprehensively understanding the concepts discussed in the article, learners can move beyond mere command replication to gain a deeper understanding of the tasks at hand.

  3. Difference between Internal and External fragmentation
    The provided link offers valuable insights into the distinctions between internal and external fragmentation. It presents clear explanations along with diagrams to illustrate each type of fragmentation, making it a helpful resource for learning about memory management concepts.

Week 04

  1. What is memory mapping in Linux?
    Memory Mapping is a really interesting feature that is used in a Unix System. This Article explains it really well despite its compact size.

  2. Dynamic & Static Linking
    Linking is the process of bringing external programs together required by the one we write for its successful execution. Static and dynamic linking are two processes of collecting and combining multiple object files in order to create a single executable. Here we will discuss the difference between them.

  3. Pointers in C This week we delve deeper into C, with a highlight on pointers. That video above explains it in more detail.

Week 05

  1. What is virtual memory?
    This article explains about the concept of virtual memory and it correlates a lot with linux. I think you will get some good new knowledge.

  2. Virtual Memory in Operating System
    This article explains about the concept of virtual memory in operating system, swapping, demand paging, etc. Very useful if u want to learn more about virtual memory in operating system.

Week 06

  1. Threads and Concurrency
    informative article that help me to understand this week’s topic.

  2. fork() in C
    Do you know what is Fork? Generally, forking can be used for creating new process called child process. This website help me to understand fork in c.

Week 07

  1. Process Synchronization in Operating System Discusses how different synchronization techniques ensure that multiple processes can operate smoothly and efficiently without interfering with each other.

  2. What is Deadlock Explains deadlocks in operating systems with an analogy of two trains unable to pass each other on the same track, illustrating how processes can stall when they block each other from accessing necessary resources.

Week 08

  1. Linux From Scratch - Version 11.0 Official Linux From Scratch Guide. It is really important for this week assignments.

  2. Linux From Scratch This is a good introduction to understand the concept of Linux From Scratch in Indonesian. I couldn’t find any better materials in Indonesian to explain the basic concepts of Linux From Scratch. I think this might give you a big picture to understand the essentials of Linux From Scratch.